Kingspoint Neighborhood Association May News

Happy Memorial Day to everyone, and warm congratulations to all our Kingspoint neighbors who have worked so hard to successfully complete this academic yearThis includes a special ‘thank you’ to all our neighborhood teachers, professors, and academic support staff.  Congratulations also to all parents, grandparents and family friends who have supported and encouraged the students in their lives through another successful year.  This year’s class of 2024 graduates have shown tremendous resilience and dedication to completing their degrees in difficult circumstances.

With summer vacation on the horizon, please remember to keep an eye out for children and families on their way to the pool and the Creek when driving through the neighborhood.  More of us will be out walking, biking, and playing, so please also remind your guests and contractors to drive cautiously in Kingspoint.

If you are on the streets in the early morning or late evening, kindly carry a flashlight or wear reflective clothing so drivers can see you from a distance and give you plenty of space.  Walkers should remember to walk facing oncoming traffic, and to allow space for cars to pass safely. 

The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1.  NOAA issued their Atlantic Hurricane predictions for 17-25 named storms over the coming months on May 23, 2024. They are calling for between 4 to 7 major hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher.  Other forecasters have already predicted 25 named storms this summer, and at least 12 hurricanes.  

Apparently, temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic are so elevated that forecasters are extremely concerned about the tropical storm season this year.  You may have been following the news about extreme weather along the Gulf Coast and Southeastern US Coast in recent months.  We need to anticipate the possibility of storms affecting coastal  Virginia in the coming months and make our preparations now.  As the meteorologists often remind us, the number of storms forecast doesn’t really matter if even one bad storm hits our area.  Even an unnamed thunderstorm that knocks out power and damages buildings can make life challenging for a while.

Long-time Williamsburg residents know how to prepare and what to expect.  New residents will find some tips on our Severe Storm Survival Guide on the Kingspoint Neighborhood website.   Former KCI President Anne Allen and I compiled the guide several years ago, immediately following a hurricane that affected our community.  There are some lists, some suggestions, and a few links to additional information that we pulled together while the experience was fresh in our minds.  You may also want to review the NOAA Hurricane Preparedness website.   The Virginia Department of Emergency Management has designated a few waterfront areas of Kingspoint as Evacuation Zone C, but most of us are not in a designated evacuation area.

You may have noticed that late May in Kingspoint brings out the biting flies, mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks.  It is that time again to protect ourselves and our children from these painful bites.  Ticks and mosquitoes also carry a variety of harmful illnesses, vectored by their bites.  Mosquitoes lay their eggs in as little as an inch of standing water.  Please empty any standing water that collects in your yard frequently, so mosquitoes don’t have a chance to reproduce.  Ticks and chiggers lie in wait in tall grasses/weeds and in wooded areas where animals may spread them around.  

Please also watch for larger wildlife in your yard and on neighborhood streets.  Animals that we don’t normally see may be more visible as they take advantage of the cicada feast this summer.  Babies are moving around now, and animals are drawn to the scent any sort of food trash, grills, and even bird feeders.  It is a great pleasure to live so close to wildlife of all sorts, but also a challenge to live harmoniously with those creatures we may not expect to encounter.  The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources offers some terrific guides you may find useful.

As you may know, the Board of Supervisors approved the county budget for the next two fiscal years at their May 14 meeting and county staff is already at work on plans for their proposed new government office center.  There are currently multiple facilities in different parts of the county.  The proposed new center will consolidate and update government facilities.  While there was a meeting for public input on Thursday, May 23 at Legacy Hall, you may still contribute your wisdom in a variety of ways if you were unable to attend:

• Online: An online form will be available beginning May 24.

• Email:

• Phone: 757-259-4004

• Mail: James City County, PO Box 8784, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8784 ATTN: Brad Rinehimer

This budget is funded with a significant personal property tax increase on real estate.  However, the Board of Supervisors approved a $0.05 cent per hundred dollars ‘tax credit’ for the first year of the new assessment, thus changing the current $0.83 cents per hundred tax rate to $0.78 cents per hundred dollars for one year as residents adjust to the higher assessments.  Supervisors are also anticipating the potential for the school division to split when this contract is up, and a need to invest in additional facilities, equipment, and personnel.  There are many unknown quantities that they have had to take into account in constructing this budget.

Our KPNA Board is so pleased that Kenita Hill has resumed her work as our secretary.  Please contact Kenita at with any changes to your listing in the neighborhood directory.

Many thanks to all our dedicated front entrance volunteers for their work.  Ann Hobson is leaving our KPNA team as she and her husband Chuck prepare to move across the Creek to The Landing in early summer.  Ann has been a loyal and dependable member of our Board, always taking care of the entrance and ready to help whenever needed.  We will miss her so very much.  David Miller is taking over the responsibilities of coordinating our efforts to keep the neighborhood entrance well-maintained.  Chris Bonday is continuing his ongoing efforts to keep the grass neatly trimmed and trash removed.  His partner in this service, Tom Mahone, passed away earlier this month.  If you are willing to join our crew of volunteers to help with maintenance chores at the entrance, please get in touch with David Miller.

We appreciate everyone who has already given Treasurer Karen Schneider your 2024 membership dues for the neighborhood association.  I am touched by the goodness and kindness of our neighbors here in Kingspoint, and your voluntary support for keeping our neighborhood vibrant, beautiful, and connected.  Neighbors have already requested over 400 jonquil bulbs. We have ordered 500 from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs in Gloucester, so please make sure we have your request soon if you know you want to join in this beautification effort.  You will find complete details and a 2024 membership form in the first few pages of your 2024 Kingspoint Directory.

If you are new to the community, or have a new family living near you, please let us know so we can visit with a copy of the Kingspoint Directory and include them in the 2024 listings.Contact us at to add your email to our distribution list, to change your email, or to have your email address removed so you no longer receive community updates.

Please visit our KPNA website for news and useful community links.