Kingspoint Neighborhood Association October News

As we enter the season of celebration, thanksgiving, and abundance, we all have a great deal to celebrate and appreciate here in Kingspoint.  It has been a good year in our community.  Many hands make light work, and we all appreciate the work of the many volunteers who keep the community humming.  The thoughtfulness and dedication that Kingspoint neighbors show to one another and to our neighborhood ensures that Kingspoint remains vibrant, caring, and beautiful.

Kingspoint neighbors are helping to set the mood for Halloween with such creative displays this year! If you have not yet had a chance to walk around our neighborhood and enjoy all the autumn and Halloween decorations, please take time to walk or drive through the community soon.  There are lighted displays, pumpkins and cobwebs, pots of bright flowers and festive fun on every street. 

We are looking forward to Halloween Trick-or-Treating on Tuesday, October 31, from 6PM-8PM in James City County.  The Kingspoint Club’s Social Committee has organized a Halloween party for members at the Clubhouse, with Trick-or-Treating to follow at 6PM.

Please remember to have the little ones carry lights and wear colors easily seen after dark.  All neighbors can assist by leaving their streetlights burning to make it brighter and safer for those out celebrating.

Neighbors who aren’t participating in Halloween Trick-or-Treating should leave their porch lights off.  

Now that days are growing shorter, please take extra care to make sure you are visible when you are out walking, jogging, or biking so there are no close calls with drivers.  Lights and reflective clothing will help ensure your safety and alleviate stressful moments for folks heading out in the morning or coming home at dusk.

David Miller has been overseeing our project to bring electricity to the front entrance and tells us that we should have new lights on the Kingspoint sign around November 1.  He has done a great job of working with the contractors, the county, and with Dominion Power to bring this effort to fruition.  The effort is not inexpensive, however, and so we are making a follow-up membership appeal to new neighbors and to those who did not contribute annual membership dues to the KPNA last spring.   Anyone who wants to help support this effort to light the entrance may leave their contribution with Treasurer Karen Schneider at her home at 100 Kingspoint Drive.  We appreciate everyone who contributes and supports the work of the Neighborhood Association.

Lately I’ve had contacts from neighbors telling me that there are stray chickens pecking about in their yards.   Everyone who buys a home in Kingspoint is expected to sign the Covenants which follow the deed to their home, and the covenants clearly prohibit keeping livestock. (Covenant #5, in your 2023 Directory)  It is a health issue, especially these days when the Avian Flu has affected poultry flocks across the country, and it is a safety issue if chickens get in the street.  There should be no chickens in Kingspoint.  If you see wandering chickens, then you should call either animal control (757.565.0370) to request that they are picked up or call our county zoning office (757.253.6718) to complain. 

Please make your plans now to vote on or before November 7.  Your vote is very important in this mid-term election with seats on the Board of Supervisors and the School Board in play.  Our neighborhood votes at Laurel Lane Elementary School.   Anyone who hasn’t voted already will find the information and contacts you need on the JCC Office of Election’s website.  Here is complete information about the options available to you to vote this year.  Visit the website to learn about the races on our ballot.  

We spot a wide variety of wildlife in Kingspoint.  Visit the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources website for easy reference materials should unusual wildlife that may turn up in your yard.  Cornwells Wildlife Control (757.264.6369) will safely remove a variety of animals from your property and will help you close openings to your home to keep wildlife out of doors.  Any birdseed, small pets, or food left outdoors overnight may attract unwelcome visitors. 

Many thanks to Ann Hobson and her volunteers for their continued work at our neighborhood entrance.    Tom Mahone and Chris Bonday are continuing their dedicated efforts to keep the grass neatly trimmed.  If you are willing to join our crew of volunteers to help with maintenance chores at the entrance, please get in touch with Ann at

If you are new to the community, or have a new family living near you, please let us know so we can visit with a copy of the Kingspoint Directory and include them in the 2023 listings.  Contact to be added to or removed from our email news list.  Please visit our KPNA website for news and useful community links.

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