Kingspoint Neighborhood Association May News

Magnolia ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ was planted at our neighborhood entrance as part of our renovation in 2017. Learn more about this, and other varieties of Southern Magnolias in “The Regal Southern Magnolia” newly posted to the Master Gardener website.

Happy Memorial Day to everyone, and warm congratulations to all our Kingspoint neighbors who have worked so hard to successfully complete this academic yearThis includes a special ‘thank you’ to all  our neighborhood teachers, professors and academic support staff.  And we acknowledge the efforts of all parents, grandparents and family friends who have supported and encouraged the students in their lives.  This year’s class of 2023 graduates have shown tremendous resilience and dedication.  We celebrate you all! 

We can sense the excitement in the air as May melts into June.  With another academic year at an end, we look forward to favorite summer pleasures, travel, and more family time. 

Please remember to watch for families on their way to the pool and the Creek when driving through the neighborhood.  More of us will be out walking, biking, and playing.  If you are out in the early morning or late evening, kindly carry a flashlight or wear reflective clothing so drivers can see you from a distance and give you plenty of space.  Walkers should remember to walk facing oncoming traffic, and to allow space for cars to pass safely.

Please also watch out for playing children on many side streets and more pets along the way. Remember to remind your guests and contractors to drive cautiously in Kingspoint.

A large truck that was delivering a vehicle to a Kingspoint neighbor cut the corner at our entrance earlier this month and gouged some deep ruts in the shoulder.  Thanks to several neighbors who saw the accident and photographed the truck on Kingspoint drive, and to the neighbor receiving the car, we were able to reach out to the delivery driver.  He was courteous, apologetic, and made a generous contribution to the KPNA to more than cover repair and replacement costs.

Thanks to Tom Mahone and Chris Bonday, our very dedicated volunteers who help maintain the entrance, the ruts were healed up within just a few days and everything was set back as it was before the accident.  Tom and Chris are always looking for ways to help out and to keep Kingspoint beautiful.

KPNA Board member David Miller has also been hard at work this month making repairs to the community message boards at Fern Court.  He has added some weather stripping to the doors to prevent leaks on rainy days and has replaced the cork backing in one of the boards. 

You may have noticed that late May in Kingspoint brings out the biting flies, mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks.  It is that time again to protect ourselves and our children from these painful bites.  Ticks and mosquitoes also carry a variety of harmful illnesses, vectored by their bites.  Mosquitoes lay their eggs in as little as an inch of standing water.  Please empty any standing water around your home frequently so they don’t have a chance to reproduce.

Spring brings a wide variety of wildlife back to our neighborhood.  You may notice baby deer, baby rabbits, baby squirrels, turtles, skinks, frogs and snakes in your yard.   Please watch out for these animals and help to protect them as they find their way to areas of safety in the ravines and around the lakes.   We need to watch for them when driving, too, so we don’t accidentally hit these young ones who haven’t yet learned to stay clear of the streets.  Some can get caught in netting in our yards or run into other difficulties.  Let’s help protect the wildlife who share our community.

Leaving any food outside overnight, even in a vehicle, can attract larger, less desirable wildlife.  This includes food wrappers, uncleaned grills, unsecured trash cans, and even seed for birds.  Animals like bears have a keen sense of smell and will find their next meal, even if that means coming into our yard.  Bird seed attracts rodents, and that can bring snakes into our yard to hunt. 

Walking is such a pleasure when neighborhood yards are well-kept.  Neighbors appreciate everyone’s efforts to make their own little corner of Kingspoint more beautiful this summer.   We all notice the fresh plantings, renewed mulch, potted flowers, wreathes on doors and fresh paint on homes.  

Many thanks to all neighbors, especially those on corners, who keep their grass trimmed.  Biting bugs like chiggers and ticks love to wait in tall grasses and weeds for their next meal.   

NOAA will issue their Atlantic Hurricane predictions for the coming months on May 25, 2023.  Other forecasters predict 13-15 named storms this summer, and at least 6 hurricanes.  The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1.  Long-time Williamsburg residents know how to prepare and what to expect. 

New residents will find some tips on our Severe Storm Survival Guide on the Kingspoint Neighborhood website.   Former KCI President Anne Allen and I compiled the guide several years ago, immediately following a hurricane that affected our community.  There are some lists, some suggestions, and a few links to additional information that we pulled together while the experience was fresh in our minds.

James City County just named our new Police Chief, Mark Jamison, who will begin work on July1, 2023. He comes from Lynchburg. Learn more about him here.

Many thanks to Ann Hobson and Phillip Schneider for their continued work at our neighborhood entrance.    Tom Mahone and Chris Bonday are continuing their dedicated efforts to keep the grass neatly trimmed.  If you are willing to join our crew of volunteers to help with maintenance chores at the entrance, please get in touch with Ann at

If you are new to the community, or have a new family living near you, please let us know so we can visit with a copy of the Kingspoint Directory and include them in the 2023 listings.  Many thanks to Mary Haines, who has joined our team of volunteers, and the KPNA Board, to help greet new families in the neighborhood.

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