The Kingspoint Neighborhood Association May News

May 28, 2021

Warm congratulations to all of our Kingspoint neighbors who have worked so hard to successfully complete this academic year.  We also send a special ‘thank you’ to all of our neighborhood teachers and professors who have found innovative ways to teach and encourage their students online.  And we acknowledge the efforts of all parents, grandparents and family friends who took on the role of tutor to help others complete their work. 

This year’s class of 2021 graduates have shown tremendous resilience and dedication.  We celebrate you all!  Please find a list of this year’s graduates in the May Kingspoint Crier.

Soon, our neighborhood kids will be out and about enjoying summer.  Please watch for bikers, walkers, and playing children on our streets and more pets along the way.  Remind your guests to drive cautiously in Kingspointand to watch out for the children.  The 25 mph speed limit may be too fast in some areas and at some times of day.  Please be especially cautious at corners and wherever you may not be able to see who else is in the street ahead.

Late May in Kingspoint brings out the biting flies, mosquitoes and ticks.  Many thanks to all neighbors, especially those on corners, who keep their grass trimmed.  Biting insects love to wait in tall grasses and weeds for their next meal.

Walking is such a pleasure when neighborhood yards are well-kept.  Neighbors appreciate everyone’s efforts to make their own little corner of Kingspoint more beautiful this summer.   We all notice the fresh plantings, renewed mulch, potted flowers, wreathes on doors and fresh paint on homes.  Kingspoint remains a desirable neighborhood for families seeking new Williamsburg homes. 

Many thanks to Ann Hobson, Chris Bonday, Tom Mahone and those working with them as theyspruce up our neighborhood entrance for spring.  Thanks also to David and Wendy Miller, and Gary Gordon, for their efforts to repair and repaint our wooden street signposts throughout the neighborhood. 

If you have a signpost in your yard, please keep the area around it trimmed so that it is clearly visible to motorists, and so that volunteers can reach it safely to prep and paint it over the next several weeks.  Please trim back any grass or weeds so they don’t get bitten by insects as they work.

Your Kingspoint Neighborhood Association welcomes Don Garber, of 115 Kingspoint Drive, as a new member on our Board and as our new Treasurer.  Don and his wife Lisa moved to Kingspoint recently from Hampton.  Don will be taking over from our departing Treasurer, Brandy Belue, at the end of May.  Please welcome Don and Lisa when you see them out and about.

You may be aware that the Cox Communications contract with JCC is up for renewal in June.  At the last Board of Supervisors’ meeting, the Supervisors requested comments from citizens about their experiences with Cox.  Please contact our Supervisor, Dr. John McGlennon, at 757-272-2463 or, if you have comments or suggestions you want him to consider in the contract negotiations.

You may also have noticed fresh utility markings on some streets and pink markers near some water meters.  JCSA continues to replace old water meters with new ones.  If you have questions about markings in your yard, please contact JCSA at 757-229-7421 for details.

May has been a busy month in Kingspoint, and I’ve heard from many different neighbors sharing their concerns.  Please refer to the ‘Notes from Neighbors’ column in the May Crier for specifics, but in general, we all need to show consideration for one another, and treat others as we want to be treated.   

Let’s all remain mindful of the many residents who continue to work or study from home.  Excessive noise from barking dogs and children playing loudly in the street makes it very challenging for those who need to concentrate on their work.

Please continue to let us know when new neighbors arrive near you.  We want to welcome all new neighbors and bring them a current Kingspoint Directory. 

We always welcome new volunteers.  If you have time to share, please reach out to me, or any member of the KPNA Board, and tell us how you would like to help.  We have several volunteer positions to fill in the coming months.

Please visit our KPNA website for news and useful community links, regular updates and a link to the digital Crier.

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